Giovanni Magnetic Energizing Shampoo

The name alone makes me feel that after using this, I'll be able to join the X-Men. And while I can't say that I felt neither particularly magnetic nor energized after washing my hair with this, I was pretty pleased with it. It was hard for me to pinpoint exactly what it was that impressed me about the Giovanni shampoo. So, after thinking about it, it wasn't that I was overly impressed by its cleaning ability or that it left my hair so incredibly thick and lustrous, or any of the typical criteria by which I'd ordinarily judge a shampoo. Instead, I was impressed by the Giovanni shampoo for the same reason that I'm impressed by Paul Mitchell shampoo. This is a brand that you expect to see in a hair salon, a brand that has a certain cachet to it.

In general, I'm not swayed by that sort of thing. But I get particularly excited when a name brand of sorts (like Paul Mitchell) makes a commitment to producing cruelty-free products. Not to diminish in any way what great brands like Alba, Shikai, JASON and others are doing, but they just don't yet have that 'salon' status. And why do I care about that sort of thing? I'll tell you why. I feel that if a cruelty-free brand can penetrate that salon market, they can start to reach people who may not otherwise care about buying cruelty-free products. And if they can be an elite brand without testing on animals, what then is the justification for the other elite brands that continue to test on animals? It just feels like it's opening a new door, and I like that. I like the potential.

As for the Magnetic Energizing Shampoo, sure it's nice. I have zero complaints about it. And on Amazon, at least, it's not all that expensive. So, I wish nothing but success for Giovanni. Promote cruelty-free products, and let's get a few more people on board!


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