
Showing posts from October, 2010

A different brand

It was time to check out a new body wash. So, in the interest of trying out the offerings from multiple companies that are committed to producing products that don't test on animals, I decided to take a break from Alba, particularly since I think I've tried every body wash they make. So, looking through the shelves, I noticed the multiple bottles of JASON body wash, which I'd seen many times, but never tried. There were about 3 or 4 different scents available, so I decided to give the Tea Tree body wash a go. I gave each a little preview sniff, and that one appealed to me the most...and I like the cute little koala bear on the label. Having almost gone through the bottle now, I still like it, though not quite as much as the Alba. But the scent is a nice change of pace from Alba's floral and fruit scents. The tea tree smell is nice, and not overpowering. I must admit, though, I am tiring of it. Not because there's anything that I dislike about the JASON body wash,