
Showing posts from October, 2011

Giovanni Magnetic Energizing Shampoo

The name alone makes me feel that after using this, I'll be able to join the X-Men. And while I can't say that I felt neither particularly magnetic nor energized after washing my hair with this, I was pretty pleased with it. It was hard for me to pinpoint exactly what it was that impressed me about the Giovanni shampoo . So, after thinking about it, it wasn't that I was overly impressed by its cleaning ability or that it left my hair so incredibly thick and lustrous, or any of the typical criteria by which I'd ordinarily judge a shampoo. Instead, I was impressed by the Giovanni shampoo for the same reason that I'm impressed by Paul Mitchell shampoo. This is a brand that you expect to see in a hair salon, a brand that has a certain cachet to it. In general, I'm not swayed by that sort of thing. But I get particularly excited when a name brand of sorts (like Paul Mitchell) makes a commitment to producing cruelty-free products. Not to diminish in any way what